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I'm Ceci from University of Hong Kong. I like camping and hiking.

Willing to listen = doing nothing?

Beijing is willing to listen to the views of Hong Kong people from all sectors under the basis of "one country, two systems" and the principles laid down in the Basic Law, President Hu Jintao said yesterday.

He was responding to questions about calls from the pro- democracy camp in Hong Kong to meet Chinese leaders.

After the handover, Hong Kong people show their strong preferance how Hong Kong future they would like. They go for the 1st July march to object the Article 23 and to urge for the universal suffrage of the Chief Executive? However, what did the Beijing do? When can Hong Kongers control Hong Kong destiny by themselves?

Mr Tung Chee-hwa briefed the president on the situation in Hong Kong since the Legislative Council election. Mr Hu told Mr Tung that Hong Kong should give priority to its development and let the people enjoy the benefits of that development.

Did Mr Hu imply that Hong Kong people should not do so many things to strive for the democracy?

Tung slips further in popularity ratings

The Public Opinion Programme released the latest result of Mr. Tung Chee-hwa and HKSAR Governemtn. The percentage of people who disapprove of Tung as chief executive has risen two points to 57 per cent over the past two weeks, comparing 21% who support him. The number dissatisfied with the government's performance was also up two points, to 38 per cent, while those happy with the performance dropped from 22 per cent in mid-October to 18 per cent.

Where do we find a better Chief Exevutive to lead Hong Kong? For my own opinion, Mr. Chan Chi-sze is a pretty suitable person. Do all you guys know who he is? However, he has alreay said that he will never be a candidate of Chief Executive.