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Wikipedia:AMA Requests for Assistance/dnagod vs. jpgordon et al

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This text was moved here from Wikipedia:AMA Requests for Assistance due to its length, as well as due to the nature of Wikipedia:AMA Requests for Assistance as a page to request advocacy and not a place for debate or argument.

The parties to the dispute were referred to the appropriate processes. The discussion is maintained here for future reference.

I request a fair, ballanced, honest and reasonable person to help me out with a very serious issue of abuse by two administrators on the holocaust denial section. Holocaust denial is obviously a very controversial topic, but two administrators that I know of and maybe more are grossly abusing their privileges by deleting links that I keep adding to the section. The two admins that I know of that are abusing their privileges and not letting others contribute links are jpgordon and Jayjg. I have attempted to add the following links as external links to holocaust deniers web sites

and they keep deleting them. You can check the history, they are deleting these and deleting any contributions which are trying to bring fair and balanced section. I know this is a controversial subject, but these admins jpgordon and Jayjg (and possibly more) personal bias is ruining the wikipedia project. I ask for someone fair to stop this and remove their admin privileges.

- * Historical Revisionism by Vrij Historisch Onderzoek - * Air Photo Evidence of Holocaust Denial Allied Photos of Concentration Camps - * American Engineer Friedrich Paul Berg Holocaust Denial with a focus on the problem of Diesel mass gassing claims - * The Web site of Greg Raven Denail by the once co-editor of the Journal of Historical Review. - * Campaign for Radical Truth in History By Michael Hoffmann II - * Holocaust Denier Carlos W. Porter Holocaust Made in Russia - * Fredrick Toben / Adelaide Institute Australian Holocaust Denial - * The Hoax of the Twentieth Century By Dr. Arthur R. Butz

Thank you for being fair and not letting this slip through the cracks. dnagod

Dnagod 17:05, 6 Feb 2005 (UTC)

  • I won't bother defending my actions -- I'll let others look at them and judge them as they see fit. However, people should know where Dnagod is coming from: [http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php?s=f196eb6b50e29bda0682179614b4e013&t=173563&page=4&pp=10 the Stormfront message board] shows him at his best, I'm pretty sure. And just to make it more obvious where this editor, who I am assuming is one and the same as "White Bamboo" on Stormfront, is coming from: if you can stomach downright disgusting paleonazi blathering, here's a very telling [http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php?p=1221851#post1221851 movie review]. --jpgordon∇∆∇∆ 00:26, 7 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Dear Administrators and Arbitrators,

I find it sad in this day and age that people feel the need to throw around the nazi card, personal insults, childish attacks and to say things like, "don't let this person contribute to wikipedia because he is different or thinks different than me, this questionable person which I have branded with a foul word sees things different than me (therefore he is wrong and Im right) and the way I see things is mainstream, correct, unbiased and right, and the way he sees things is biased, wrong, fringe, extreme and unnacceptable by me". This kind of biased thinking and childish attacks doesnt get us anywhere, and by attacking the individual we digress and get distracted from the issue at hand which is relevance and neutrality. The real issue at hand is whether or not the links I have submitted are valid on holocaust denial are relevant and representative of the topic at hand. I believe that the links I provided fit well and accurately with the topic at hand, and I ask for administrators and arbitrators to consider in neutrality, and not consider personal attacks and childish insults directed at me.

I understand that topics involving religious and ethnic groups are sometimes sensitive and emotional issues which bring out the biases of individual, all one has to do is go to the topic Jewish Ethnocentrism to see who is emotionally biased towards judaism. I ask that the administrators and arbitrators look at this issue with an open mind grounded in neutrality, fairness, balance and with a vision that despite the sensitivity and emotional nature of certain topics that they always be neutral and encompass a reasonable spectrum of views. The issue specifically at hand is holocaust denial, a topic dealing with the Holocaust - a very sensitive issue which rarely gets fair and balanced coverage - it would be my highest dream to see this topic get balance on wikipedia. In several countries around the world open minded questioning or inquiring into the holocaust can get you sent to jail for up to 5 years, since there was a well concerted effort to get these dogmatic laws which most people would agree turn the alleged events of WWII into a kind of religious dogma and making open historical and scientific inquiry illegal.

I ask that we move forward as a people that believe that only through open inquiry, research and a fair review of all the scholarly research and facts available that the truth will emerge. I ask that we have a philosophy as a progressive people that there are no dogmas, there are no taboos and that with an open mind we make all the available scientific and scholarly research available that is important, relevant and pertinent. This is the vision of a truly progressive people. On a topic such as Holocaust Denial, its easy for personal biases and emotionalism to prevent neutrality, I ask that we strive to move beyond personal and childish insults - let intelligent people review the facts and research on their own, allowing people to draw their own conclusions based on all the material available and the critiquing of it.

It is not my desire to turn wikipedia.com into a directory as jpgordon and others who are biased towards judaism have or might claim. I ask that you watch and follow jpgordon closely especially since he has thrown digusting and foul language at me in his personal talk section. I ask that you review his personal talk section and follow him and his fellow travellers closely with a microscope, to see the kind of atrocious, disgusting, and foul language he has directed at me - along with the bias, censorship, erasing of links and content that has been occurring against me. I have made large contributions of links and things, to have them censored and removed my very jewish emotionally biased people.

I ask the administrators and artibrators to review the 8 web sites which I wish to add to the external link section of holocaust denial, as presenting the sites which bring forth a central thesis of an alternative view point that the holocaust should be examined with a critical scholarly and scientific eye in an open forum. I do not believe a dozen or even two dozen valuable links turns wikipedia into a directory, so I ask that fair minded and high level admin step in to closely monitor jpgordon as well as other people who clearly have an emotional attachment and bias in favor of judaism and preventing alternative view points which could be construed as crital of jews, israel and zionism. In fact all sensitive issues should be closely monitored by the admins, not just on judaism, but also on very sensitive topics regarding race and religion. Although by sheer numbers, force and posts alone you will find the greatest conflict surrounding topics involving judaism. Topics involving judaism and the people involved in posting in these topics should have a much higher level of scrutiny by all the admins due to the explosive war which errupts each day around these topics.

I thank you for your fair judgement in these regards and I also ask that wikipedia adopt a new policy of closely monitoring topics and issues regarding judaism, jews, israel, zionism, race, racism and other topics which are likely to bring to battle people of staunch bias, who use subtlety to ensure that what is put in the article maintain their own status quos, biases and emotional attachments. There is a disgusting level of vandalism, censorship, bias, insults, nazi cards, race cards and other things being thrown around in topics surrounding judaism. I ask for all admins to closely monitor these topics and the people who post in them with a microscope, magnifying glass and close daily monitoring so that wikipedia does not spiral into a race war and become a truly biased and unneutral place.

It is my sincerest desire to see wikipedia a fair, balance and neutral encyclopedia (one viewed that way by humanity), where a machinery and observation is put in place to ensure sensitive topics are neutral and present view points from wide array of view points - even if some are deemed insensitive. This can only happen when the Nazi Card, insults, white supremacy insults or the Race Card are fully banned, and that people who throw around the Nazi Card, racist labels or the Race Card are closely monitored with an electron microscope. It is absolutely essential that wikipedia ban the use of its members to throw around childish insults like nazi, white supremacist, racist, etc.. etc... Please consider this ban.

Most importantly many europeans world wide feel alienated as their view points are being censored or labelled as racist. Europeans and racial groups where ever they may live in the world, have the right to have their own group, race and people centered and "in-group" view points. Europeans where ever they live in the world, should have the right to post their own view points even if out-group people consider them white supremacist, ethnocentric or racist - it is clear that the Jewish-linked areas of this site are heavily biased towards jews and this is ok, as long as other view points are allowed to so there is balance and neutrality.

The goal must be neutrality though, and this will require that all races, peoples and creeds are equal under the lens. This is truly the greatest challenge that we build a color blind wikipedia - despite the great difficulty of this with such a vast entrenchment of pro-jewish forces on wikipedia preventing balance on the Jewish oriented topics.

Europeans should have the right to express view points which Jews may not like, even if they are insensitive or hurt the feelings of other groups like the pro-jewish factions of wikipedia. We at wikipedia have to get passed the racial obsession and consider all valid view points. Throwing terms around like white supremacist does not invalidate a persons idea, a large percentage of every race is focused in a manner where they favor their own race over others, this does not make their view point right, but it is a view point which must be considered. It is in considering all sides of the coin that we understand the true picture of humanity and it is in that picture that the view can make their own decision.

So I ask that we allow all view points and that insults, foul language, personal attacks, nazi and race cards, red herrings, racial epithets directed at other users be banned. I ask that we work towards preventing jewish biased people from censoring the jewish oriented areas from alternative view points.

Please allow these 8 relevant holocaust denial web sites to be added to the external links of the holocaust denial article.

Thanks you for your time and I pray for your neutrality in these regards.

Dnagod 13:49, 7 Feb 2005 (UTC)

  • Or, as he says at my talk page, It is clear that this wikipedia projects is deeply infected with immature children, censorship, childishness, jewish bias, jewish supremacists and lackeys of the jews. --jpgordon∇∆∇∆ 16:40, 7 Feb 2005 (UTC)
My Comments regarding their being a blantant, obvious and clear cabal of jewish supremacists on wikipedia.com might cause unneutral people to react, rather than investigate this claim. I make this statement not as an personal insult, but as a stated Fact about wikipedia when it specifically comes to Jewish oriented topics.

My only wish from the outcome of this arbitration is that there is a global wikipedia zooming in by the admins and arbitrators on topics which are jewish oriented or where jews might have a vested interest in preventing criticism, inquiry or open examination of jews, judaism, israel, zionism, jewish ethnocentrism and the holocaust. It is my highest hope that every admin and arbitrator on wikipedia will closely watch the people who edit and modify jewish oriented areas, looking closely at censorship efforts and perventing ideas which break away from the concept that Jews can do no wrong. I ask this to all those admins and arbitrators who are not distracted by the Nazi Card, The Race Card or red herring labels like white supremacist, racist and neo-nazi. I ask that the people who run wikipedia to put the microscopa, magnifying class and close scrutiny on pro-jewish members, jewish biased members and members who have a history of closely following and editing jewish oriented areas of wikipedia.

I have had numerous situations where slimvirgin, jpgordon and others that appear to be pro-jewish or jewish supremacists have deleted legitimate links of alternative view points on subjects and topics. In a sense jpgordon is abusing his admin privileges and I ask that those privileges be taken away, as they are deeply hurting wikipedias ability to be fair, balanced and neutral. I also ask that if his privileges are not taken away that he is closely watched regarding everything he does as well as his fellow travellers.

This is not just my opin., this is the opin of many people I have spoken with, including muslims, white people, leftists, progressives and civil rights advocates, that jewish supremacists, jewish biased individuals and yes, even lackeys of the jews are purposefully working together to prevent jewish oriented areas from having balance, neutrality, bias free, fair, reasonable, and broad spectrum of view points.

The individuals who should be closely monitored are the people who voted that Jewish Ethnocentrism should be deleted, JE is a legitimate topic and it is clear that this cabal is working at preventing people from being able to see how historically these people work together for their own selfish interest. There is nothing wrong with this, its just that this selfishness is destroying wikipedias neutrality, balance and fairness.

I ask that the admins dont react, but rather consider what I have said and closely monitor these people and topics, not just a few admins, but all admins and all arbitrators. This issue has to come to the forefront and can no longer be swept under the rug.

jpgordon has flung disgusting and childish insults at me with malice and hatred, and he is not worthy of having admin privileges, nor are his fellow travellers and other people who voted in favor of deleting Jewish Ethnocentrism. Lets make wikipedia the best in the world, but we cant sweep this issue under the rug, I ask that it is an issue that is finally addressed publically. If I am wrong, so be it, ill start my own wikipedia regardless of the time and effort required to recruit an army of builders and developers, the point is I want a place in this world where I can be free of jewish supremacism, jewish bias, jewish ethnocentric hatred of others, and most importantly, free of just BIAS in general. Lets work towards a bias free wikipedia for the good of the human race. for the good of every race, religion, creeed and sexual orientation.

Thanks you for your time and I pray for your neutrality in these regards.

Dnagod 17:26, 7 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Gentlemen, this is absolutely not the place for arguments. Who the AMA assists, whether it be one or both of you, has no bearing outside the advocates themselves on the effects of your dispute. Arguments are for talk pages, mediators or the ArbCom. Wally 17:42, 7 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Wally, I need specific, precise and detailed arbitration on one issue and one issue alone.

That issue is the 8 holocaust denial links which I added to the holocaust denial article.

The issue is that a large number of jewish biased members, specifically jpgordon and slimvirgin are preventing valid and relevant links from being placed in the holocaust denial section.

I am asking that the 8 links which I mentioned be allowed to remain as external links in the holocaust denial section of wikipedia. I ask for your specific rationality, balance and neutrality on this issue.

The issue is this, I added these 8 links to the external links section of holocaust denial and biased members are deleting them. I am requesting that these 8 links become a perminent part of the holocaust denial section of wikipedia.

- * [http://www.vho.org/ Historical Revisionism] by Vrij Historisch Onderzoek - * [http://www.air-photo.com/ Air Photo Evidence of Holocaust Denial] Allied Photos of Concentration Camps - * [http://www.nazigassings.com/ American Engineer Friedrich Paul Berg] Holocaust Denial with a focus on the problem of Diesel mass gassing claims - * [http://www.corax.org/revisionism/ The Web site of Greg Raven] Denail by the once co-editor of the Journal of Historical Review. - * [http://www.revisionisthistory.org/ Campaign for Radical Truth in History] By Michael Hoffmann II - * [http://www.cwporter.com/ Holocaust Denier Carlos W. Porter] Holocaust Made in Russia - * [http://www.adelaideinstitute.org/ Fredrick Toben / Adelaide Institute] Australian Holocaust Denial - * [http://pubweb.acns.nwu.edu/~abutz/ihrbook.html ''The Hoax of the Twentieth Century''] By Dr. Arthur R. Butz

Please zoom in and focus on these links, as I ask arbitration to confirm that these links are valid contributions to the section and that the individuals who keep deleting them, as well as on other areas of wikipedia regarding jewish issues should lose their admin privileges.

again thanks for your hopeful neutrality

Dnagod 22:13, 7 Feb 2005 (UTC)