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User:Ed Poor/opposed

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I'm opposed to two things:

  1. murder
  2. immorality

So I naturally align myself with anyone else who is against those things. That's why I'm a big Ronald Reagan fan, and why I feel an affinity toward George W. Bush.

I have been an anti-Communist since childhood. When I found out how many women and children and other non-combatants the Communist guerrillas and Communist governments have murdered. It makes me so mad I can't ever use good grammar!

I have more recently come to believe that immorality is also not good for "children and other living things".

Destroying your enemy seems like a perfectly justifiable thing, but it is often very selfish. And when you go around executing "bad people", you run the risk of becoming a "bad person" yourself. Even Neitschze knew that people who hunt montsers run the risk of turning into monsters themselves. (Man, I never have this much trouble typing; I guess I'm pretty worked up!)

Enjoying love seems also like a perfectly justifiable thing, even the "purpose of life" itself! But when it's outside of marriage - and I mean "one man, one woman" - it inevitably leads to misery for all involved. And that's pretty selfish, to drag someone else down into misery just so you can be "happy for a while" (as Don McRean sang). Is it mere coincidence that the most immoral movie series currently being produced for teenagers is called American Pie?

This doesn't mean to save everyone from dying; sometimes war is necessary, and refusing to kill could be a sin. This doesn't mean that loveless marriages are to be exalted, either. But the key here is love.

We should love other people so much that "killing our enemies" becomes no longer necessary. We should love our spouses so much that it spills over into all our other family and social relationships.

Is it easy? Of course not! We would have done it already, if there had been an easier way. But it's easy to kill people - physically or spiritually, and that's the wrong way. We must go the harder and more rewarding way of "living for the sake of others.