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My name is Andreas, Currently I am a 20 year-old student of Veterinary Medicine in my first semester, studying at the School for Veterinary Medicine Hanover (Germany). This is why I mainly concentrate on chemistry and (mainly veterinary) anatomy. In anatomy my primary concern is to expand the anatomical essays, which are currently mainly human-only, to a certain veterinary extent. This helps me to gain confidence in both the subject of anatomy and the English language as a means of comunicating knowledge (for which it's not very well suited design-wise but that's another question). Another point is overhauling the existing text with the latin name. It has been a convention for hundreds of years to define anatomical names in latin, and pretty much every country (including Germany!) stick to latin names. This makes comunication easy and biases no one. American universities and scientists tend to begin using completely English or overly anglicized definitions. For anatomy my main source are the books that are just called "The Nickel" (Nickel; Schmummer; Seiferle; Lehrbuch der Anatomie der Haussäugetiere), the most profound (mostly too much for students!) book on mammal anatomy ever published.