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  • Disgaea: Hour of Darkness is a single-player tactical console role-playing game with an isometric view based on two-dimentional sprites on a three-dimentional map, produced and released by Nippon Ichi Software in Japan for the Playstation 2 platform, translated and released in the U.S. by ATLUS, and released in Europe by Koei. It is a part of both Nippon Ichi's Disgaea franchise, which includes a manga, upcoming anime, announced sequel [1] 05:54, 30 September 2005 (UTC) (Dec 2005!? Mobile game?!), and a wide variety of liscenced merchandise.
  • Plot follows the adventures of the demon Prince Laharl in the Netherworld as he attempts to reclaim his father's title of Overlord
  • It is one of a number of sibling games that follow the adventures of demons and other supernatural creatures, including La Pucelle (referred to by Epinions and IGN [2] as "Disgaea Zero") and Makai Kingdom. Some of the characters of Disgaea are also available as playable characters in Phantom Brave, in a similar manner as characters from La Pucelle and Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure are available in Disgaea itself.
  • The game has multiple endings and a strong emphasis on replayability with randomly generated maps, high potential character levels, and a "cycles" feature which allows players to restart the game while keeping their item inventory and character stats, similar to the "New Game+" feature found in some Square-Enix games
  • The game is intended to be humorous, and parodies both anime and American comic books.
  • Game highly praised by Penny Arcade: [3]
  • wikiquote:Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
  • 120 character classes - http://ps2.ign.com/articles/435/435365p2.html
  • Gameplay "flow" described as Episode Start → Event: "Objectives revealed" → Overlord's Castle(s) → Area Map(s) Selection → Area Map(s) → Episode end. (Manual, p4)
  • Only one location to shop, consisting of an armor and weapons shopkeeper - "Rosen Queen Company - netherworld branch"
  • Team attacks, combos
  • Character status can include poison, sleep, paralysis, forget (no tech), and depraved (no exp) (man, 14)
  • Geo panels, color chains
  • weapons are fists, swords, spears, bows, guns, axes, and staffs
  • save game 377kb