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This is the alias of a certain girl in the world (somewhere unknown) calle Sally. She is on many websites, some are very different in interests. It goes from fanfiction to CNN to video games and other such things.

She is very interested in cosplay and is currently designing a costume of Pyramid Head from the game Silent Hill 2. Or so she says. There are also many others she claims to be making. This list includes Yuna (FFX), Auron (FFX), Jill Valentine (RE), Eileen Galvin (SH 4), James (Pokemon), and many other random characters. So far she's only managed to make ONE costume. Akira from the game Dance Dance Revolution.

Girlbakura777 claims to be a bisexual but there is no real evidence to prove this said fact. At the moment she has a boyfriend.

"Yeah yeah, I don't really care about stuff."

That's it.