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  1. We, the individual members and member congregations of the World Temple Alliance, Inc., a nonprofit Corporation, also known as The United Pagan Temples of America, founded in 2003, acknowledge the Deities of our ancestors; holding them in awe and offering Them reverence.
  2. Further, our membership honors a variety of Deities without hindrance or let and agree that divinity is revealed to the true seeker and that which is revealed is a Mystery needing no explanation; that it such revelation is between the Deities and the seeker and knowing that we represent a variety of spiritual perspectives, we share a common concern for ethical behavior and community development.
  3. Further, our members offer our worship as it is deemed right by their Deities and as is revealed to us by Them while insuring that our practices do not infringe upon the rights of others nor break local, state or federal statutes.
  4. Further, the membership accepts that all Deities are separate, distinct and whole while we also allow the possibility that all Deities may be an aspect of something greater still.
  5. Further, our membership acknowledges that we cannot know all the faces or aspects of the Deity or Deities, so we refrain from judgment of the faith of others.
  6. Further, our membership comes together, singularly or with others, to worship as individuals and as congregations, to worship our Deities in different ways and with respect for the ancient Mysteries that reveal the faces of the Deities to those who worship Them.
  7. Further, when our members gather together as a worshipful congregation, we may be known by many different names and among those names are coven, circle, grove, temple and many others besides. And in our worship, as a symbol of our new life in our faith, we, as individuals, may take on various faith names to demonstrate our devotion.
  8. Further, our membership creates this union of equal congregants and equal congregations to bring a sense of unity, harmony, and support to our individual members as well as member congregations across the United States.
  9. Further, our membership comes together to increase cooperation among Neo-Pagans and between ourselves and those who follow other paths.
  10. Further, our membership comes together to secure legal protection and recognition for our members as well as nonmember Neo-Pagans.
  11. Further, our membership comes together to do all within our power to raise the educational level of our clergy as well as the general Pagan populace, so that our clergy may better serve our member congregations and our community and its members can reach a better understanding of themselves, their needs, and our collective future.
  12. Further, our membership is constantly mindful that the Mystery is personal and all members respect the autonomy and sovereignty of each member, as well as the right of each congregation to oversee the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical development of its members and students in its own way. This extends to a recognition that secrecy plays a vital role in many traditional paths, and as members of the United Pagan Temples of America we shall respect those secrets as we respect the Mystery.
  13. Further, our membership recognizes that underlying all of our interaction is the clear understanding of, and respect for, both the unity and the diversity of the spiritual paths of our members while accepting that even in our breadth we cannot meet the needs of all. But to those who do not find a home with us, we still leave open an offer of support.