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This is a filler page, rather vague one.I haven't had the time to edit my page at the moment due to a lot of things that need doing.Basically I like a broad spectrum of topics, from religion : polemics,apologetics, theology and comparative religion to politics : social issues, political parties to philosophy : from Cartesian to Sheen to Yancey.Lately I also read a it on photography and business.Warren Buffet intrigues me most.

But academically, I am an IT graduate, who hopes to soon pursue my Masters in the same subject.Career wise, an IT executive in a seaport.My job roles involves radio, wireless communication, secondary server administration, and to much lesser extents, resource management and HR

Here is what little i have done

I've started a few articles:

  1. Ciborium
  2. Passionists
  3. Cross of St. Peter
  4. Cruet
  5. Adoramus Te
  6. Brothers of Christian Instruction of St Gabriel
  7. Trump University

And well, for the rest of the articles I've contributed (some rather substantially, others not so..)I bid you take a look yourselves :D Here

I also maintain a blog to cater to my need to rant and vent the wild side of my imagination.
