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Hello, SE: Please see talk:Bipolar Disorder -- The Anome

Hi SE and welcome -- hate to tell you, but the Anome has every right to edit your stuff. ALso hate to tell you, but experts in a field don't get the say-so over what goes in the article by nature of expertise -- more by the fact that other wikipedians will usually weigh in on your behalf -- haven't read all the Anome stuff, so can't say he's right or wrong (or you, for that matter). However, since this isn't the Nupedia, you're stuck with this being totally open content. It can be very frustrating, and sometimes you just have to bring out the big guns and overpower the non-believers in your view with solid evidence. Good luck, but remember, there can be a very fine line between being proprietary because you KNOW you're right and can back it up, and being proprietary because you wrote something. The former will generally garner support and respect, the latter will lable you a crank (or a troll). I find that the best thing you can do in your situation is coach and mentor, rather than get your knickers in a twist. Good Luck -- JHK

Hello again, SE. I'd like to apologise for the earlier unpleasantness, and let you know that I was sincere in my welcome messages, that I value your input here, and look forward to future contributions from you. -- The Anome