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Obviously, I'm still getting the hang of this Wiki thing. I thought the entry below was part of talking about the page I edited, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Anyway, the page in question had to do with the Treaty of Versailles and the Aftermath of WWI. (I know, they're two separate pages.) Anyway that's what the entry below meant.

As for me, I'm a 54 year old writer living in Columbus, Ohio USA. I'm a technical writer/web developer by day and an eclectic writer of essays by night. From what I see at the moment, I can best be involved in Wiki by editing. Most of what I've edited have been awkward sentence constructions and grammatical stuff. But as I pointed out in my previous entry, occasionally I get into what I'm reading/writing/editing and add what I think is useful information. If it's not, I'm sure somebody will take care of it. Tom 22:57, Jan 12, 2004 (UTC)

I started out simply doing some minor edits to fix some awkward wordings, but I ended up adding a few clarifying sentences (well, from my own POV) about self-determination. I found some of the wording in this section not very neutral, and I found some of the thoughts incompletely expressed. Finally, I tried to make some of the many uses of the unreferenced 'this' more clear by substituting the referent for the pronoun that I felt often dangled out there. Tom 19:02, Jan 11, 2004 (UTC)